Camping stoves are an essential part of your kit if you are going to be taking part in any outdoor activity for more than a few hours. RVOps have a selection of cooking stoves that help you to have hot food and drinks ready in only a couple of minutes wherever you happen to be.
The RVOps range of camping cookers include the jetboil Flash stoves which feature an all-in-one system where the burner and cooking cup are clipped together. This makes the gas stove more stable and helps to prevent any accidental spills caused by the cup sliding off the top of the burner. Other camping stoves sold by RVOps include a number of Primus stoves suitable for any occasion. You can choose from single or double burners in many shapes and sizes. Whatever your requirements you will find a stove to fit.
For backpackers one option that stands out is the Optimus Crux and weekend cookset. By combining the Crux Lite stove with the Terra Weekend Cookset you get a great all-in-one solution that lets you carry very little weight and yet still preserve the ability to cook with a 3000-watt burner that that boil a litre of water in only three minutes.
If weight is the most important consideration for you then why not try the Primus Gravity Gas Stove? This gem of a stove features a spider style construction. It's low profile contributes towards making this an extremely stable stove, while helping it to remain compact when it is stored out of use. It is supplied with a heat reflector and windscreen to shield it from the wind. There stove is highly efficient and can come up to a cooking temperature rapidly even during cold weather. In many ways this is a great camping stove to choose for your weekend hiking trips.
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